Bishop Francis Asbury.

All Quotes below are taken from Darius L. Salter's book, America's Bishop: The Life of Francis Asbury. Nappanee, IN: Francis Asbury Press, 2003. Please click here to read a review of this work. The author has a neat ability to find and use great qoutes from the Methodist preachers of the past within the scope of his objective.


Asbury sums up his call to America with this set of questions. "Whither am I going? To the New World. What to do? To gain honor? No, if I know my own heart. To get money? No: I am going to live to God, and to bring others so to do." (36) God give us more Methodist preachers who determine to do what Asbury did.

"What a miracle of grace am I! How unworthy, and yet how abundantly blest! In the midst of all temptations, both from without and from within, my heart trusteth in the Lord." (36)

"Whatever comes, I am determined, while here, by the Grace of God, to proceed according to the Methodist doctrine and discipline." (42)



"While carnal parents regard only the worldly prosperity of their children, truly religious parents are chiefly concerned about the eternal salvation of their souls." (53)

A prayer of Asbury. "May the Lord direct me how to act, so as to keep myself always in the love of God!" (62)

Asbury's prayer proposal. "I purposed in my own mind, to spend ten minutes out of every hour, when awake, in the duty of prayer." (65)

Asbury's concern for his spiritual responsibility to God. "Two things seem to dim my prospect of heaven, and point to qualification - first, I do not speak enough for God, and secondly, I am not totally devoted to Him. Lord help me to come up to my duty!" (86)

"...thanks be to God, he keeps me: the more I do and suffer, the greater the crown." (115)

In a letter to a conference Asbury said this. "Speak your minds freely; but remember, you are only making laws for the present time." (135)

"I must be sure to take care of my own soul, that is more to me than all the world and the men in it." O to have preachers who are honestly concerned about their souls before God. (148)

Asbury gave this advice after he ordain a young man in the state of New York. He held his Bible high and said, "This is the minister's battle ax; this is his sword; take this, therefore and conquer." (155)

Asbury shows his dedication to the work of Christ. "We must prepare for martyrdom, in office, in life, if some do but little we must do the more, the work of God must not be slight."

This statement by Asbury expresses his love for Christ. "I see no beauty in any other object, nor desire anything but thee."

While Asbury was not a formalistic man, he believe at "all things (must be) done decently and in order." (219)

When people mocked the gospel that Asbury and other Methodist preachers preached, this was his response. "My revenge was prayer that God might convert and save them for Christ's sake." (230)

Asbury exhorted Gruber says, "O what pride, conforming to the world and following its fashions! Warn them, warn them for me, while you have strength and time and be faithful to your duty." (272)

In commenting on President Madison's declaration of war on England Asbury said, "Between our people and the English people: my trust is in the living God." (293)

The following advice was given to Bishop McKendree by Asbury. "If they betray your trust and confidence let them do it but once. Of all wickedness, spiritual wickedness is the greatest; and of all the deceptions, religious is deception is the worst. Beware of men who have a constitutional cast of deception." (308)

Satler makes and interesting observation. "Asbury saw little difference between exhortation and preaching."(299)

Salter says of this of the Bishop "For Asbury, Methodism's sine qua non was the salvation of souls." O Lord, give us this spirit once again. Amen. (254)

Dr. Salter says this of Asbury. "...the bishop never asked anyone to go where he himself was unwilling to go, and in all likelihood had not already been." May God rekindle such leadership among us again. (127)

Very close to Asbury's departing from this world, Bond asked the Bishop if he had any "word to leave..." To which Asbury replied, "I have spoken and written so fully, an additional word is unncecessary." May we all have a testimony that we will not fear to leave behind.


Asbury said this of those who came in late to services, or attended irregularly. "Why don't you people stay at home if you can't come in a more regular manner?" (61)

Asbury's sense of peace with God in troubled times. "Calm on tumult's wheels I sit." (63)

His comment on the people when a rain storm interrupted His sermon. "The people seem to be more afraid of their saddles being wet than their souls being lost." (83)

Asbury's defense of his preachers. "I told you our preachers were not blockheads." (87)

This quote comes form Henry Boehm who commented Asbury's determination to take the gospel into the world. "The bishop seldom stopped for rain, even if it came in torrents." Today, his determination is succeeded only by the wild eyed liberals who seek to annihilate Biblical Christianity within Methodism and the world. Currently, their main instrument of deceit is their permissive view of the doctrine of Love which is most LETHAL. (110)

Asbury burning desire was always to do Father's business in taking the gospel into the American wilderness. He lived to preach and spread the gospel. He said, "live or die I must ride." (115)

In response to McKendree's difference with Bishop Asbury over the O'Kelly problem, Asbury said this, "...Brother, sometimes we see with out eyes; sometimes we see only with our ears." (139)

"Let me die rather than live to sin against thee!" (149)

"My present purpose is, if the Lord spares and raises me up, to be more watchful and circumspect in all my ways."(149)

"My desire is to live more to God today than yesterday, and to be more holy this day than the last." May God give us Methodist pastors with the same desire. (153)

Asbury had confidence in the Bible. "I see the need of a preacher's being well acquainted with his Bibble... the word of God is one grand dispensatory of sol-deseases in every case of spiritual malady." (155)

Asbury gives this advice to his preachers. "Take with you your hearts, full of fresh spring water from heaven, and preach Christ crucified and the resurrection, and that will conquer the world."

Asbury's thoughts on the United States. "O American! America! It certainly will be the glory of the world for religion! I have loved, and do love America." (202)

Asbury's advice to preachers. "...only let the preachers of a holy gospel, be holy, and Laborious." (235)

The philosophy of Asbury on education. "Take every opportunity for getting knowledge, and always consider yourself as ignorant and as having everything to learn." (238)

What Asbury felt about Christmas day. "Christmas day is the worst in the whole year on which to preach Christ; at least to me." (239)

Asbury's philosophy on preaching. "Oh let us preach and live; and live and preach." He is not talking about the social gospel either.(295)

Asbury's philosophy on preaching. "Lord, keep me... from preaching empty stuff to please the ear, instead of changing the heart!" Asbury knew that the need was not more self esteem, but a change of heart as only Christ could bring. (295)

Social affairs were not the main goal for Asbury and early Methodism. Their main goal was seeing soul moved to heaven. Said Asbury, "What a noble and delightful employment is ours, to be nursing immortal souls for the realms of eternal glory!"

In a sermon, Asbury give his resolve, as well as Methodisms, to preach and defend the gospel. "We will not give up the cause - we will not abandon the world to infidels; nay, we will be their plagues - we will find them herculean work to put us down. We will not give up that which we know to be glorious, until wee see something more glorious." (327)

Asbury gives what he felt to be the real qualifications for Methodist preachers. "These ministers must be sent; and to be qualified for this mission, they must, like Paul, be convinced, convicted, and converted, and sanctified." Bible colleges and seminaries did not rate with him. What did rate was that they were born again. (331)