Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. James 1:3
“My brethren,” says the apostle in the preceding verse, “count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.” At first view, this may appear a strange direction; seeing most temptations are “for the present not joyous, but grievous.” Nevertheless you know by your awn experience, that “the trial of your faith worketh patience”; and if “patience have its perfect work, ye shall be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”
It is not to any particular person, or church, that the apostle gives this instruction; but to all who are partakers of like precious faith, and are seeking after that common salvation. For as long as any of us are upon earth, we are in the region of temptation. He who came into the world to save his people from their sins, did not come to save them from temptation. He himself “knew no sin”; yet while he was in this vale of tears, “he suffered being tempted”; and herein also “left us an example, that we should tread in his steps.”
Compiled by Al Bryant, "The John Wesley Reader", Word Books. This book is currently available on the used book market. Please check the used book venders for this book at IMARC.