Imarc Editorials

The editorials to the right are from friends and guests of IMARC. Therefore, these editorials, commentary, and opinions represents their views and are placed here for your prayerful thought and consideration. Also the most recent editorials are placed at the top of each list.

    Updated Oct. 26, 2015

  1. The State of Evangelical Publishing. By Dr. Vic Reasoner
  2.   PRAYER  By O.P. Fitzgerald, Copied from his book, which is in pdf format in the IMARC bookroom, Christian Growth, 1893
  3. Must We Fire Mary ot Throw Away The Bible  by Dr. Vic Reasoner
  4. Is That Papal Court Duplocated In Calvinism? by Rev. Wm. J. Logan
  5. The Church Walking With The World by Matilda C. Edwards
  6. Power, Authority, And Perfection By William J. Logan
  7. CHRISTIAN and MUSLIM INTERACTIONS since wtc. By Dr. Jim Garlow
  8. The Silent Terror: Is God Really Angry?   By Mr. Joe Hartman
  9. Imputation And The Arminian Mind By Mr. Jeff Paton
  10. Will There Be Faith Found When The Lord Returns? By Rev. William J. Logan
  11. What Women Want!? A movie review. By Dr. Vic Reasoner
  12. To Hell With Sin. By Katherine A. Kersten
  13. Stigmata: A Movie Review. By Dr. Vic Reasoner
  14. A Prayer for all to Hear. By Rev. Joe Wright
  15. Ruling of America, By Balint Vazsonyi
  16. A Practical Application of Sanctification-separation-salvation By Rev. William J. Logan
  17. A Modern Baptist Cover Up? By Mr. Chuck McClure, owner of radio station WRCG
  18. The Theology Of ANTI THEOLOGY by Mr. Jeff Paton
  19. Wesley Said it Would Happen, By Rev. William Logan
  20. Observations on Romans Chapter Seven. By Mr. Jeff Paton
  21. Sovereignty Established Through Freedom. By Mr. Jeff Paton
  22. The Conversion of Paul - Free Grace or Forced Grace? By Mr. Jeff Paton
  23. The State of Evangelical Publishing.
    By Dr. Vic Reasoner